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Holistic cooking

vital food made with love.  nourish your body & soul and rise your energy up.

Food as a part of global transformation

As global community we are in the midst of a potent transformation . We are looking to revise our values , our relationships, our lifestyle, our relation to the Mother Earth . That’s why there is a growing interest in retreats / workshops / trainings that offer opportunities for quiet contemplation, for slowing down, re-establishing connection with our bodies and with nature, and for finding the way of life that fills us with joy and positive energy. To discover a balanced way of life , we’re seeking spaces created and held with holistic approach, that nurtures the mind, body and soul and reflects in every area of life. That’s why food is equally important as the program or the setting of the retreat / training.

We provide food that lights up your vitality and fills you with pure energy . 

The essence is: the simplicity.
We cook for you with Love, inspired by Nature.

Our food supports the dynamics of the program - we adjust the menu according to the intention behind particular program parts - whether it needs to be revitalizing, warming, light or grounding. We approach the preparation of the food as a highly mindful creative process - including the choice of ingredients, way of collecting them and transforming them into delicious meals with a great amount of presence, care and love, with a minimum waste policy, and with respect to life and environment.

Food is highly nutritious , divinely delicious , energetically as pure as possible.

From ego-centric to eco-centric approach. Serving larger - then - human community.


bridge between nature and education

Our intention is to rise awareness about our interconnection with the Natural world and its resources. Further, to expand the understanding around healthy eating habits, body care as an inseparable part of the holistic learning.

We find it important to share with the group an introductory insight session about the holistic approach towards food and mindful eating, as an offering of “another point of view”. For many participants it’ s the first time in their life when they have a chance to experience vegan/vegetarian full board. Often it is a great chance to overcome fears and concepts around it and to expand the awareness about where the food comes from. We received a lot of wonderful feedback around food awakening and life-changing experience that participants carried Home and implemented to their daily lives.

Once interconnection is properly understood, there’s a great opportunity for a collective shift. Becoming fully human, creative, responsible member of Earth community.


Our repertoire includes food that is all diets friendly, including:

     ● Vegan/vegetarian

     ● Gluten-free

     ● Raw

     ● Food allergies and dietary preferences


We use as much unprocessed, pure natural material as possible.

Combining it intuitively into creative divine meals.

Encouraging participants to check-in with us for ingredients, so they may cook for themselves back home.

Inviting curiosity and play into the process of understanding the food chain.

team of Vegangelic cooks:            


Dori Tomasz


Šárka Martínková

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